Housing is a human right.Â
Affordable housing doesn't have to be a dream, we're here to help you unlock the doors to what you deserve.
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Why Housing For All?
The affordable housing crisis in Columbus, OH is growing. The economic impact of the pandemic destabilized and displaced families while underscoring the need for us to move boldly toward affordable housing solutions. The City of Columbus is committed to ensuring every resident in Columbus has a safe, decent, affordable place to call home.

Everyone Deserves A Happy Home
Councilmember Shayla Favor, chair of the Housing Committee championed the “Housing For All” legislative package, which passed in 2021. The package focuses on dismantling the systems that have perpetuated racism and inequity within housing work to advance fair, affordable housing by protecting renters from income discrimination, providing security deposit payment options, and requiring landlords to provide rent receipts. Housing For All is a community-wide movement to ensure tenants and property owners alike are aware of their rights and are in compliance with this legislation.
Housing For ALL ofrece a los inquilinos las siguientes protecciones y programas:
¡Tus DERECHOS vienen con PROTECCIÓN y ayuda!
Si desea presentar una queja contra el propietario, informarlo a una agencia sin fines de lucro confiable es rápido y fácil. Compartir lo que sabes no sólo te ayuda a ti, también protege a tus vecinos
Up to 180 days in Jail + up to $1,000.00 fine, Court costs, Restitution.
Click here to report a violation of your housing rights.
For tenant protections assistance call the Tenant Protections Hotline: (614)-724-1532
Get the help you need with navigating your housing options. Contact (614) 224-8374.
You have options. Rent Assistance is available for both renters and landlords. Click here.
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